Accreditation & Certification
Accreditation with ACSI engages schools in a vigorous, holistic process of organizational appraisal and improvement that engages every school constituent. Our program is a highly regarded Christian program for member schools. We have partnerships with all of the U.S. regional accreditation agencies and offer joint accreditation with numerous accrediting organizations.
Every step in our accreditation process is designed to be useful for driving improvement in private schools. If you are striving for excellence based on a solid Christian philosophy of education, consider exploring our program.
ACSI Credentialing enhances Christian schools by offering certification and ongoing education that uphold both high professional and biblical standards. Our certification program provides a structured framework for continuous professional development, seamlessly integrating with efforts to improve school performance. Through our program, which includes continuing education units, educators and administrators are supported in their pursuit of growth and credibility. By exemplifying a commitment to lifelong learning, we inspire educators and leaders to model this same dedication for their students.
Educators From Around the Globe Unite in ACSI Annual Day of Prayer
Colorado Springs, Colo., Feb. 14, 2022 – Thousands of Christian educators around the world will join in celebrating the fifth annual ACSI Day of Prayer Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2022.
The ACSI Day of Prayer is one of the Association’s most popular events, focusing on advancing Christ-centered education through prayer. ACSI President Dr. Larry Taylor looks forward to the unification of schools around the world through prayer.
“There’s no doubt that the past few school years have been unique and challenging, but God desires for His people to flourish in spite of the surrounding circumstances,” he said.
The theme for this year’s Day of Prayer is “Shalom,” emphasizing the importance of finding contentment in Jesus no matter the cultural tides. According to the website, the theme also reminds individuals that all have a part to play in God’s larger story.
Mike Epp, ACSI Senior Vice President of Global, believes this event marks a beautiful, renewed commitment to worshipping God and seeking Him wholeheartedly.
“It has been remarkable to see the international connections taking place on this special day of prayer,” he said. “It reminds us of God’s global work of redemption and how His message transcends all cultures, unifying us as brothers and sisters in Christ.”
Schools can participate by submitting their prayer requests through the electronic form, which allows requests to be visible publicly on the ACSI website. They can also host an in-house Day of Prayer with their school communities.
In 2021, Christian educators from more than 50 countries participated in the Day of Prayer. This year, schools from 45 countries have submitted prayer requests thus far, including Cambodia, Nepal, Taiwan, Japan, South Africa, Austria, Russia and the U.S.
As stated on the Day of Prayer website, the foundational verses for this year’s initiative are Philippians 4:6-7, a passage of Scripture that reiterates the importance of surrendering anxieties through prayer and supplication.
Taylor said the theme Shalom has perhaps never been more relevant.
“At ACSI, we have been praying for our schools continually—especially during the pandemic—for our educators to have the endurance they need to run the race before them,” he shared. “This Day of Prayer will be a powerful way to bring all of our Christian educators across the globe together, joining on our knees in prayer.”
ACSI is providing Day of Prayer resources for school use, including a prayer guide packed with creative ideas on how to make the day special.
ACSI member school Christian Academy in Indiana, a participant in last year’s event, shared this memorable Tweet from Day of Prayer 2021: “What a blessing to join others around the world in prayer to our Savior! Join us in praying for our schools, community, country and world!”
To learn more about Day of Prayer, visit the website or contact ACSI Care Team by calling (800) 367-0798 or emailing careteam@acsi.org.
About ACSI:
Headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, ACSI exists to strengthen Christian schools and equip Christian educators worldwide as they prepare students academically and inspire them to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ. ACSI advances excellence in Christian schools by enhancing the professional and personal development of Christian educators and providing vital support functions for Christian schools through multiple services including teacher and administrator certification, school accreditation, legal/legislative assistance, and curriculum publishing. ACSI supports more than 5,000 member schools throughout the United States and around the world, which collectively serve approximately 1.2 million students. Through additional training programs, materials, and expertise provided to other educational groups worldwide, ACSI’s overall influence and positive impact reaches more than 26,000 schools operating in 100 countries, together serving 5.5 million people.
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