US Map with Central States Highlighted

Central Division

Central Division

Arkansas, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, West Virginia, Wisconsin | 815.282.7070


Thank you for visiting our website. I hope your school year is off to a great start. We are working diligently to provide you with the necessary tools and support to help your school flourish. Check out all the resources available to you from your ACSI membership including valuable information from our Public Policy & Legal Affairs team; cutting-edge research and Thought Leadership; Corporate and Ministry Partners who can help you fulfill your mission; high-quality and Christ-centered professional development to strengthen and equip your staff; and more. 

As you plan for the 2024-2025 school year, please allow us to partner with you and provide the support and encouragement needed for a school culture to flourish. In the Resources menu below, you'll find the information to connect to specialized resources and more. Please don't hesitate to contact our office if you have questions or need assistance. Our ACSI team stands ready to assist you.


Dr. Jeff Mattner

Director, Central Division


Announcements - Central Division


Early Education: REIGNITE!

Be rooted in truth, reimagine potential, and REIGNITE your calling to teach and lead children. Mark your calendar and make plans to join us so that you can grow in your passion of leading young learners!

Find A Conference Near You!

2024 Fall Leadership Network Meetings

All school leaders (EE-12) are invited to join us to make connections, receive timely information, and collaborate with other leaders. Save the date. Registration is now available!

Register Now

ACSI's 2023-2024 Events

Mark Your calendars now with ACSI's 2023-2024 Events

View Calendar

Free Legal Webinars Offered this Spring!

All the Spring webinars are complete. If you missed one and want to watch it, you may view the recordings here.

February 13: School Handbook Updates

March 7: Religious Protections & Rights of Christian Schools

April 8: Rights of Students and Parents in Christian Schools vs. Public Schools

May 1: Crisis Communication Workshop

May 10: Department of Labor New Overtime Rules Impact to Your School REGISTER


New Leader Orientation Meeting

New Leader Orientation Meeting

Enrollment & Marketing Strategies Video

Enrollment & Marketing Strategies Video

School Spotlight

May 2024

Castle Hills_3

(Children praying after hearing the Passion Week Bible story.) 

The students from The Christian School at Castle Hills in San Antonio have a heart for missions and reaching kids for Christ. Recently, they completed their 30th trip to the Rio Grande Valley on the southern border of Texas to share the love of Jesus with impoverished children and their families. These gospel-focused excursions have led over 800 children, teens, and parents to Christ as Savior. Their recent Easter trip focused on a Kid's Resurrection Party and Easter family carnival and cookout.

The students drew crowds from the neighborhood to hear the Gospel. They carried out the entire responsibility for each aspect of the trip as they worked together in teams to conduct various activities such as crafts, outdoor games, Bible stories, worship, skits, and a simple yet powerful Gospel presentation. The high school students, who first learned the Gospel presentation in elementary school, led the presentation. Over 30 children and parents received Christ on Palm Sunday weekend.

The mission at The Christian School at Castle Hills is “leading students to know Christ and to make him known.” Superintendent Michael Pinkston stated that the school's focus is to create a culture that immerses every student in God's call to experience the Great Commandment and the Great Commission.

Castle Hills_2

(Over 30 children and parents respond to receive Christ as Savior.)


April 2024


On February 16, 2024, Dr. Ben Carson visited McKinney Christian Academy and had a deeply impactful time with the students, faculty, and staff. Dr. and Mrs. Carson were distinguished guests on campus, where they took time to share the importance of building the next generation of Christian leaders. In addition, they shared the book, “Why America Matters”,  along with several other resources from the American Cornerstone Institute’s Little Patriot Program. Dr. Carson concluded by encouraging students, families and teachers to live out America’s founding principles of faith, liberty, community, and life.

 “There are few failures that are more detrimental to a community than failing to educate the next generation of citizens…We must ensure that future generations of Americans are given the opportunity to achieve the American dream, and that starts with hard work, a good education, and a robust knowledge of our nation’s storied history,” said ACI Founder and Chairman, Dr. Ben Carson. “It was with this understanding that we developed the Little Patriots program as a tool for every parent, grandparent, or educator that wishes to teach America’s true history to the next generation of leaders. I am grateful for schools like, McKinney Christian Academy, for prioritizing civics education and I look forward to the continued partnership.”

"The American Cornerstone Institute is conducting critical work toward shaping the future of our country by impacting today's youth. We are thrilled to provide this curriculum to our students and honored to now include Dr. Carson's books and the Little Patriot program here at MCA and on the shelves of our library," said Heath Nivens, Head of School at McKinney Christian Academy.

Little Patriots is a free, online educational program for kids created by the American Cornerstone Institute. The program is two pronged - featuring books and an online learning platform with a curriculum for elementary aged children created by teachers and education professionals. Learn more by visiting


February 2024


Evansville Christian School (Newburgh, IN) hosted Dr. Sean McDowell at their school for a day of interaction with students, staff, and community leaders. Then, in cooperation with area churches and the local Welborn Foundation, hosted their first “Resilient Families: Faith Through Formation” event, a community-wide night at a downtown theatre where Sean shared his presentation, “Passing Your Faith to the Next Generation.” With 1,000 registered attendees, this annual initiative hopes to bring families, churches, and Christian schooling together with the goal of increasing parents’ and caregivers' confidence in understanding and communicating a Biblical worldview and values with their children, “so the next generation will know.” Great job ECS!

Sean McDowell 2.2.24-74


Minnesota House Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee


Minnesota House Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee

February 29, 2024

Watch State Representative Dan Beckering testifying before the Minnesota House Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee.