Professional Development

Professional Development

Association of Christian Schools International / ACSI / Professional Development

ACSI Professional Development exists to strengthen schools and equip educators. We believe the best way to do this is by developing leadership capacity in our Christian schools. Research indicates that “great schools do not exist apart from great leaders.” Therefore, we are committed to developing school leadership at all levels … this includes the development of a Christ-centered leadership team and school board. It also includes providing digital programs and learning modules that enable leaders to guide their faculty to flourishing. The following core values will guide all ACSI Professional Development offerings:

  • Established in Biblical Truth
  • Grounded by Reliable Research
  • Viable and Sustainable 
  • Flexible in Delivery 
  • Executed with Excellence
  • Driven by the Needs of our Membership




Please note that all of the Divisional Directors can provide in-person and virtual training.

Continuing Education Units (CEU)
Exhibitors and Advertisers
The Biblical Concept of Flourishing is the foundation for all ACSI Professional Development and is connected to the Flourishing School Culture research. Biblical flourishing rests in the well-being of God’s people and is found through forgiveness, restoration, peace, fruitfulness, and in the hope of an eternal future in the presence of God.

God desires a life of flourishing for His people 
God provided a beautiful world, companionship, and rich blessings for His people. Although we often disappoint Him in our humanity, He offers a plan for forgiveness, restoration, peace, and flourishing through His son, Jesus Christ (John 10:10; 16:33). Solomon’s prayer reflects the heart of God – “In his days may the righteous flourish, and peace abound…” Psalm 27:7 (ESV).

A right relationship with God fosters a life of flourishing
Those who are connected to Jesus and allow His love and grace to flow through them are nourished with all that they need to flourish. When Jesus was with His disciples He said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit” John 15:5 (NIV). When Jesus departed, He provided His people with the Holy Spirit to enable them to live a fruitful life— a life that resembles the character of God (Gal 5:22-23).

Our flourishing provides meaning and purpose for life and living
Throughout scripture, believers are encouraged to share their faith, their hope, and their path to flourishing with those around them (Philemon 1:4-7, Mark 16:15, 1 Peter 3:15, Romans 1:12).  He blesses His followers, that we might bless the next generation. “May the Lord cause you to flourish, both you and your children” Psalm 115:14 (NIV).
    System Change

Access VPP and perform school admin, coach, or provider functions by selecting “View & Manage CEUs”. 

Access the new ACSI Professional Development platform where you can browse our course catalog (replacing ConNexus Premium) and enroll in courses with your ACSI PD subscription by selecting “Take Online Courses”.

Take Online Courses

View & Manage CEUs

It's Time to Flourish

With a new year on the calendar, ACSI is looking ahead with great anticipation of serving Christian schools and advancing Christ-centered education. Our goal is to equip leaders and  educators with tools and resources to transform the school culture and community. While some of our in-person professional development is transitioning to a more personalized and flexible option, our commitment to support educators of all levels is unchanged.

Flourishing Initiative

Leaders and Administration Opportunities

  • Board Member Virtual Training
  • Leadership Track Online Webinars
  • Flourishing School Institute (in-person)
  • Leadership U (new and emerging leaders; in-person)

Faculty and Staff Opportunities

  • ACSI PD by Design, On-Demand modules for School-Based Professionals 
    Various webinars, available synchronous or asynchronous, such as Town Halls, Student Assessment Program live webinars and textbook training
  • ACSI PD Online provides on-demand, individualized learning
PD by Design (1)