ACSI Certification Information

Certification Overview

The purpose of ACSI Certification is to strengthen Christian schools by credentialing educators who meet established professional and biblical requirements. ACSI Certification promotes continued professional learning and increased effectiveness. Establishing and maintaining the certification of staff and administration is an essential step toward professional credibility and growth. Education is a process. Just as we encourage our students to grow and become life–long learners, we want to set the same example as their teachers and leaders.  ACSI certification establishes a framework for professional growth to occur over time, just like continuous school improvement.

ACSI has improved our certification platform to streamline the process to maintain your certification and CEUs all in one place!

We are very excited to announce the new Certification Application
(If you are NOT teaching at an ACSI School, please follow the directions in the First Time Applicant tab below.)

This application is built into the Learning Builder system, which means once you login to your ACSI VPP (Virtual Professional Portfolio), you can access ACSI's certification applications, past certifications, and track your CEUs. 

Click on the tabs below to learn the specifics of how to access this new application.

Our current certification application turnaround time is 2-3 weeks!

Please note: Beginning August 1, 2024, the ACSI Certification application price will be increased from a $75 fee to a $100 fee per application. 

First Time Applicant

Apply for Initial Certification:

Educators at an ACSI School:

Educators NOT teaching at an ACSI school:

In order to gain initial certification with ACSI, you will need to have the following items readily available:

1. Official copies of your college transcripts stating a minimum of a Bachelor's degree. (can be electronic transcripts or scans/copies of any paper official copies you have)
2. Any state certification you have is also good to include. (does not have to be current)
3. Credit card for $100 application fee payment.

Mailing address for paper transcript copies:
(NOT required- Electronic transcript copies are preferred)

ACSI Attn: Certification 
PO Box 62249 
Colorado Springs, CO 80962

Electronic transcripts can be sent to:

Certification Requirements:

Each of our certifications have the following elements:

1. Biblical studies requirements
2. Educational studies requirements
3. A Christian Philosophy of Education requirement

If an applicant is lacking a sufficient amount of any of the above requirements for their requested certificate, we will issue a Temporary (2-year) certificate with renewal and upgrade requirements listed to allow the applicant to work toward those Standard/Professional level requirements.

Your certification level (Temporary, Standard, or Professional) will be based on the qualifications we find in your transcripts.

Please note:  Most people are awarded a Temporary Level to start with as they may not have met the Bible and Christian Philosophy of Education requirements in their college’s degree program.  Those (and any other needed Educational courses) will then be listed as renewal requirements for your next certificate.


ACSI currently offers 8 different certifications. Click on any of the following requirement charts to view what will be needed for that particular certificate.

Renewal/Upgrade Applicant

Renew/Upgrade Your ACSI Certificate:

If you already know your login information, you can begin your application process HERE.
   Returning User How To Apply pdf
   How to Apply  video
   Accessing & Responding to an Evaluator's Comments on your application

If you need assistance with your login information, email for assistance.

In order to renew or upgrade your certification with ACSI, you will need to have the following items readily available:

1. Official copies of any college transcripts for renewal requirements stating semester hours of college credit were needed. (can be electronic transcripts or scans/copies of any paper official copies you have)
2. Any CEU certificates from outside providers that may have been needed for your renewal/upgrade.
3. Any letters or checklists listed as renewal/upgrade requirements on your past certificate(s).
4. Credit card for $100 application fee payment.

Mailing address for paper transcript copies:
(NOT required- Electronic transcript copies are preferred)

ACSI Attn: Certification 
PO Box 62249 
Colorado Springs, CO 80962

Electronic transcripts can be sent to:

If you have held an ACSI Certificate in the past, even if it is expired, please follow the "How-To" document below to find your account and login successfully without creating a duplicate account.

Once logged in, you should find your existing or expired ACSI certificate right on the opening dashboard.  If you do not see your previous certificate, please contact for assistance.

State Certified Teachers

ACSI Accreditation Standards allow for a teacher to be either ACSI Certified or State Certified.  Many educators choose to maintain both!

{This Certification FAQ & the Certification Positions Requirement may also be helpful to understand the requirement}  

If you choose to operate with just your current State teaching license/credential, ACSI asks you to complete the following:

These requirements can be logged at your school and/or on your Virtual Professional Portfolio (VPP).   Click here to access your VPP!

(NOTE:  If you do not yet have an account, please contact your school administrator if you're at an ACSI Member School to have them add you to their school roster, which will create your account for you!)

Certification Requirement Charts   K-12


ACSI currently offers 8 different certifications. Click on any of the following requirement charts to view what will be needed for that particular certificate.


We also have some unique situations that may require/accept alternate certifications towards partial fulfillment of our requirements.

  • We now accept NILD Certification toward partial fulfillment of the Specialist semester hour requirements for those seeking certification in a related area. Please see a more detailed description here: NILD Acceptance.
  • We now accept the 900-hour Missionary Program from The Spanish Language Institute (San Jose, Costa Rica) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for those seeking a Specialist certification in Spanish. Please see a more detailed description here: Spanish Language Institute.
    • We now accept NACCAP Certification toward partial fulfillment of the educational studies requirements for those seeking Professional Staff: School Counselor certification. Please see a more detailed description here: NACCAP Acceptance.
      • We now accept NIAAA CAA Certification toward partial fulfillment of the educational studies requirements for those seeking Professional Staff: Athletic Director certification. Please see a more detailed description here: NIAAA Acceptance.
      Continuing Education Units (CEUs)

      If your certificate states that you have Continuing Education Units (CEUs) renewal requirements to fulfill, please see the options available to you below.

      There are 4 main ways to earn CEUs toward the renewal and/or upgrade of your ACSI Certificate.
      (Please note, in order for a course/study to count for Bible CEUs, it must follow ACSI's Biblical Studies Requirements):

      1. ACSI Professional Development Online

      • Your school may or may not have access to this. Ask your administrator if you are unsure. If you would like to purchase your own individual membership the cost is approximately $119 a year if you are employed by an ACSI member school (the amount is greater for nonmembers). E-mail the Care Team at to ask for more information from our Care Team specialists.
      • To sign up for a subscription, click HERE.
      • These courses/videos are automatically logged to your VPP and will seamlessly integrate directly into your Certification Application when it is time for you to renew/upgrade.

      2. ACSI Accredited Schools

      • If your school is an accredited member school with ACSI, that automatically qualifies it to be a CEU provider, which means they are able to provide opportunities for you to earn CEUs through the school.
        To count for Bible credit, the course/study must follow ACSI's Biblical Studies Requirements.
      • For more information, speak with the individual at your school who is identified as your school's "CEU Coordinator," or, if unsure, have your administrator e-mail the ACSI CEU Coordinator at
      • You can view more information about this option HERE.

      3.  Outside Providers

      • If your school does not provide CEU opportunities, we have many other providers you can go through. You can email our CEU Coordinator for the full list of our outside providers.
      • If you earn Bible or Education CEUs through one of our approved outside providers, you will most likely receive a certificate of completion as approved by ACSI, which can be uploaded directly into your Certification Application and/or your VPP.   
      • If the completed course is accepted by the state to be used towards state certification, ACSI considers this course to be a state approved CEU opportunity. ACSI will accept the certificate awarded by the state approved program. This is true whether the teacher/administrator is certified in that state or not.
      • You can view more information and a list of common providers HERE.

      4. Colleges/Universities

      • A final option for earning CEUs (or college credit) is through a college/university that is accredited (by a recognized agency) or a college/university that is recognized by ACSI.
      • The college/university must have a public statement of faith that closely aligns with ACSI's Statement of Faith in order to be considered for Bible CEU or semester hour credit.
      • If you earn credit from the institution, you will need to submit an official transcript (or copy thereof) along with your application for certification.
      • You can view more information regarding this option HERE.


        Christian Philosophy of Education (CPoE)

        Completing your Christian Philosophy of Education (CPoE) requirement will always be necessary to reach the Standard certificate level.

        You have several options for completing this requirement:

        • ACSI’s NEW Christian Philosophy of Education course!   

        At this time, this 3 part series of courses requires a subscription to ACSI PD.   All required resources are included in the on-line platform.  (No additional books are needed.)    

        • CPoE Part 1: Foundations  
          10 CEUs (8 Educational and 2 Bible)   
        • CPoE Part 2: Worldview  
          10 CEUs (5 Educational and 5 Bible)   
        • CPoE Part 3: Biblical Integration 
          8 CEUs (all Educational)   

        • In order to use the course to fulfill the ACSI Certification requirement to complete training in the Christian Philosophy of Education, teachers and administrators will need to complete all 3 courses and review the artifacts created during the course.  More specific instructions are included in the VPP "Christian Philosophy of Education" section.
        • Current CPoE Checklist (Please note: Both halves of this checklist are required to be completed in order to fulfill the Christian Philosophy of Education requirement for ACSI certification.) This checklist is still an option for our schools until May 31, 2026.
          ** The highlighted videos from Part 1 and Part 2 of the CPoE Checklist) are available at no cost on ACSI PD Online.  Please note that viewers must be logged into their ACSI account in order to view, and no Education CEUs are awarded for non-subscribers.  

        • CPoE Alternative Model An ACSI member school can design and apply for their own CPoE course to be used in completing this requirement.

        • Approved college course from a HEAP Institution:  Completion of the course would also count toward semester hours of college credit in education. You would submit an official transcript from the institution reflecting credit for the course.  A full list of HEAP institutions can be found here: HEAP Institutions

        • Other options for completing an approved CPoE course/module can be found here: Options for Completing the CPoE
        Semester Hours of College Credit

        You can choose any regionally accredited institution in which to earn semester hours of college credit.  Please contact if you'd like more recommendations for options to fulfill these needed semester hours of credit credit.

        ACSI will require an official transcript when you are ready to renew your certification.  Letters of completion and/or Final Grade Reports will not suffice.  

        You can include a copy of the official transcript with your renewal application or mark on the application that you are requesting it to be sent directly from the institution to ACSI.

        Mailing address for paper transcript copies:
        (NOT required- Electronic transcript copies are preferred)

        ACSI Attn: Certification 
        PO Box 62249 
        Colorado Springs, CO 80962

        Electronic transcripts can be sent to:

        It is recommended that you email the course title, description, and organization/college you plan on taking it from to to gain pre-approval before spending money to take the course.


        Secondary Teachers Needing Content Area Reading:

        We've made a recent change that for Secondary teachers, the content area reading course does not need to be taken for college credit, although taking it through a college is still an option.   
        We now have an ACSI Content Area Reading checklist that can also be used to meet the content area reading requirement!

        Equivalency Report Providers

        Those who have earned a degree outside the United States may need to provide an equivalency report verifying that the degree(s) they earned are at least equivalent to a U.S. bachelor's degree. A list of recommended equivalency report providers can be found here: Equivalency Report Providers.

        School Administrators

        More Information Coming Soon!

        More information and specific instructions are coming to guide School Administrators to:

        1. To set up Bulk Payment options to pay for your teacher's certifications, where the school can pay for teachers' certifications, please fill out this form: 
            School Payments Form
            How to set up, view, and pay for Teacher Certifications pdf
            Setting Up School Payments Tutorial video
            How Teacher Indicates School to Pay for Certification video

        2. Reports:  Access our new custom report to take the place of the previous "Teachers By School Report"
            Certificant Search Report video
            School Admin Queue Views video

        3. Manage and update your school roster:
        Manage School Roster pdf
            Permission Levels for Roster pdf
            How to Add a New Teacher to your Roster video

        4. CEU Process for accredited schools: 
            Please see the CEU Provider Resources page for updated instructions on how to enter and upload CEUs for your teachers.

        Early Education (EE) Certification    Birth-PreK

        Early Education certification with ACSI is not a requirement for accreditation

        Submit the following:

        • Application - mark the area(s) of certification that you are applying for
        • Application fee of $100 per area of certification requested
        • Current First Aid/CPR card
        • Official transcripts* from your college verifying your degree from an accredited** college/university. A minimum of an associate degree is required for an EE teacher and a minimum of a bachelor's degree is required for an EE Director.

        Submit the following: 

          * If you are using the online application you may open your official transcripts and scan and upload them to the application.

          ** Accreditation must be granted by a CHEA or US Department of Education recognized agency.

          Certification Review

          (This requires a separate login from the login and will open in a new browser window. Contact for assistance.)

          Individuals—use Certification Review to access, view, and print your ACSI EE certificate and review your EE certification renewal/upgrade requirements online.

          Administrators—use Certification Review access, view, and print your own ACSI EE certificate/requirements as well as a report of certification status and renewal requirements for your school's EE teachers.

          Principles and Practices of Christian Early Education

          EE Yearly Professional Development and Biblical Studies Report and Biblical Studies Report (for use by accredited EE programs)

          Early Education Teacher Requirement Chart

          Early Education Director Requirement Chart

          Overview Video of ACSI's NEW Certification Application!

          ACSI Certification Informational Video from ACSI on Vimeo.

          If we have not answered your questions, you may contact the Certification Department online or call toll-free at 888.839.8101 and a certification representative will assist you. Completing the online form may result in a quicker response time.


          Recorded Webinar on ACSI Certification (4.9.24)