There are 4 main ways to earn Bible CEUs toward the renewal and/or upgrade of your ACSI Certificate (note, in order for a course/study to count for Bible, it must follow ACSI's Biblical Studies Requirements):

1. ACSI PD powered by Campus

One way to earn Bible CEUs is through your ACSI PD powered by Campus account.

(Your school may or may not have access to this. Ask your administrator if you are unsure. If you would like to purchase your own individual membership the cost is approximately $119 a year if you are employed by an ACSI member school (the amount is greater for nonmembers). E-mail the Care Team to ask for more information from our Member Care specialists.)

2. ACSI Accredited Schools

If your school is an accredited member school with ACSI, that automatically qualifies it to be a CEU provider, which means they are able to provide opportunities for you to earn CEUs through the school. For example, if your staff has devotions each morning, your school can submit that for approval through ACSI as a course, and then your school would issue your CEU credit into your VPP. Another example would be if you attend a Bible study with a small group from church (outside of regularly-scheduled church service times). Your school could upload the time you spent in that Bible study (minus any homework, reading, or writing assignments) for approval. There is a place on both the printable and the online application to indicate that you have CEUs in your VPP. To count for Bible credit, the course/study must follow ACSI's Biblical Studies Requirements

For more information, speak with the individual at your school who is identified as your school's "CEU Coordinator," or, if unsure, have your administrator e-mail the ACSI CEU Coordinator.   

3. Outside Providers

If your school does not provide CEU opportunities, we have many other providers you can go through. You can email our CEU Coordinator for the full list of our outside providers.  If you earn CEUs through one of our outside providers, you will most likely receive a certificate of completion as approved by ACSI, which can be mailed in with your application or uploaded to the online application. Common providers that ACSI certified teachers use are:  

  1. Our Daily Bread University : Bible (Alyse Garabelli )
  2. LifePointe Media : Bible and Educational (Carol Sherwood
  3. Ligonier Ministries : Bible and Educational (Sam Rose
  4. Living on the Edge with Chip Ingram: Bible and Educational (Bridget Castleberry
  5. Precept Ministries International : Bible (Rick Purdy
  6. Walk Thru The Bible Ministries : Bible and Educational (Sandra Edison
  7. World Reach Bible Institute : Bible (Jerry Haas )
  8. The Nehemiah Institute, Inc. : Bible and Educational (Daniel Smithwick
  9. Mid-Atlantic Christian University (through VESi)

4. Christian Colleges/Universities

A final option for earning Bible CEUs (or college credit) is through a college/university that is accredited (by a recognized agency) or a college/university that is recognized by ACSI. The college/university must have a public statement of faith that closely aligns with ACSI's Statement of Faith. If you earn credit from the institution, you will need to submit an official transcript (or copy thereof) along with your application for certification. Seminars or online courses that are sponsored by the college/university but are not offered for credit may still enable you to earn CEU credit with appropriate documentation. Appropriate documentation would include either a certificate from the college/university (see the note at the bottom), or, if the institution does not provide a certificate, through an ACSI accredited school's provider status (#2 above). To count for Bible credit, the course/study must follow ACSI's  Biblical Studies Requirements. Check with the Certification Department if you have a question about the acceptability of a college/university or a course.

Please note: CEUs earned through ACSI PD powered by Campus, ACSI-sponsored events, and ACSI accredited schools must be uploaded to your VPP in order for those CEUs to be applied toward the renewal and/or upgrade of your ACSI Certificate. CEUs earned through other approved providers (#3 and #4 above) will require a certificate or transcript which shows the provider's name, the course/study title, the participant's name, and the number of hours/CEUs/other unit of quantity spent directly in the study (for non-credit courses, this should not include homework or outside reading time).