Cultural Integration of International Students

Dr. Robin Hom | August 26, 2024

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Many Christian schools have taken on the profound calling to minister to international students. These residents of other countries attend school in the United States on a special visa, often seeking a better education than they would receive in their home country. As Christian educators, our goal should be to minister to these students in a manner that goes beyond academics. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs teaches us that addressing basic needs is foundational to nurturing students who can excel academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually. Our mission should extend beyond passively waiting for international students to adapt to our school culture. Our calling compels us to create an inclusive and supportive environment where every student – including the international student – feels loved, accepted, capable, and valued.  

Here are a few simple ways your school can make international students an integral part of your school community and earn the trust, credibility, and right to speak and share Christ’s love and God’s truth into their lives: 

  1. Personalized Welcomes: Start by organizing a personal meet-and-greet with the Head of School and top officials for each international student. Taking an individual photo with the student not only sends a powerful message of care and importance but also creates a memorable connection. These photos should be shared with parents back home, fostering trust and reassurance from the first day of arrival. 
  2. Regular Communication: Maintain proactive communication with international students and their families throughout the school year. Regular updates on academic progress, school events, and personal achievements help parents feel connected and involved in their child’s educational journey abroad. It sends the message that not only do you care for the student, but the parents and their involvement are valued as well. 
  3. Cultural and Language Support: Prepare bilingual materials in the student’s native language well before their arrival. These resources should include essential information about school policies, procedures, and daily routines. Having staff members who not only understand the student’s language, but also their culture, can facilitate smoother integration and provide culturally sensitive support throughout their time at the school. If your school doesn’t have such a person, contact a local church with a ministry to members of that ethnic community and see if they can assist. 
  4. Cultural Awareness Training: Offer comprehensive training on cultural awareness and appreciation for both staff and students. This training should cover not only language but also cultural norms, traditions, and values. Understanding these aspects fosters empathy and respect within the school community, leading to more meaningful interactions and relationships. 
  5. Spiritual Support: Integrate spiritual support tailored to the needs of international students. Offer Bible classes in their native language, provide bilingual Bibles, and incorporate spiritual activities that resonate with their cultural background. These opportunities not only strengthen the formation of their faith but also encourage more personal and deeper engagement with biblical principles and values. 
  6. Student Ambassadors: Provide opportunities for your student leaders to get to know your international students. Give them opportunities to spend time together both here and in the international student’s homeland. Use the student ambassadors to start friendships among students and promote interaction and understanding. Student ambassadors can also guide and help international students know and understand how things work at your school, such as joining a club, participating in sports, registering for classes, going through the lunch line, asking for a teacher’s help, etc. 

If you travel to a foreign land, visit a new college campus, or attend a different church for the first time, you know the little things that make a big difference in making you feel welcome: signs and directions in your native language; clearly labeled instructions; a help or information desk; warm and smiling people to assist. Now imagine what our international students face when they visit our country, school, families, and culture for the first time. Just a few gestures on our part will turn apprehension into anticipation and make international students feel truly welcomed. 

Ultimately, our goal in international student ministry is not just academic excellence but also spiritual transformation. We are called to follow Christ’s example and embrace and empower those who are like strangers in a new land. Through these simple steps, our hope is that every international student who enters a Christian school will experience an environment that reflects God’s love—a place where they can grow academically, socially, and spiritually, finding in us not just educators but also spiritual mentors and ultimately a community of believers. 


About the Author


Dr. Robin Hom is a graduate of UC Berkeley and the University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law. He is licensed to practice law in California, Ohio, and US Federal Courts and was a constitutional attorney for 4.5 years before becoming the head administrator at California Crosspoint Academy in 1988. He has seen the school through several moves, building programs, organizational changes, and name changes. Now with the title of Superintendent, he oversees a school that is growing and expanding locally and reaching into China and SE Asia through partner schools. Robin’s passion is to make education excellent and accessible, and he serves on several boards and organizations in furtherance of those goals. He earned a Master’s in Education from Biola University and was chosen Biola’s Education Alumni of the Year in 2009. He earned a Doctorate in Educational Leadership in 2020 from the American College of Education.
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