Accreditation Documents
We are pleased to announce our finalized ACSI Inspire accreditation protocol. The revision process took several years and included research, drafting and revision, multiple stages of feedback, and pilot school visits. The new protocol aligns with ACSI's Flourishing Schools research. With Inspire, we are moving away from a 'compliance-based' protocol into a more reflective and collaborative process for schools and visiting teams.
If you have interest in applying for ACSI Accreditation, please contact the appropriate Divisional Accreditation Team or complete our online inquiry form.
ACSI Inspire Standards Manual (2023)
ACSI Inspire Team/Chair Handbook
Standards & Indicators Checklist (printable/fillable; 2023)
Standards and Indicators Checklist (online version; 2023)
Self-Study Tools
Inspire Self-Study Report Template
- SAMPLE Self-Study Report
Purpose Domain
Guidelines & Requirements for Governance (Standard 3)
Teaching and Learning Domain
Guidelines & Expectations for Instruction from Outside Sources (Standard 7)
Guidelines for Outside Contracted Teachers (Standards 7 and 12)
Expertise Domain
Standard 11 Checklist (Standard 11)
IRS Nondiscrimination Requirements (Standard 11)
Definitions and Screening for Volunteers (Standard 11)
Meeting Indicator 12.2 (school leadership and faculty qualifications) (Standard 12)
Certification FAQ (2024)
Certification Documents Webpage (for more information on CPoE checklist, requirements charts, etc.)
Request for Faculty Waiver (Standard 12; if applicable)
Resources Domain
Meeting Indicator 14.3 (requirements for financial review/audit) (Standard 14)
Please note: Several of the resources below are provided by, or link directly to, organizations outside of ACSI. These resources are intended to assist schools in thinking through various aspects of appropriate ways to comply with specific standards and indicators in ACSI’s accreditation protocol. The presence of these resources on this page does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of any outside organization, or an endorsement of any external links provided by the outside organizations.
Guidelines for Substantive Change in Accredited Schools
Self-Study Tools
School Indicator Ratings Spreadsheet
Purpose Domain
Assessment of Expected Student Outcomes (Standard 1)
The Value of Expected Student Outcomes (Standard 1)
Spiritual Formation Assessment (Standards 1 and 2)
Sample Conflict of Interest Policies (provided by ECFA) (Standards 3 and 11)
Sample Conflict of Interest Policies (provided
by Nonprofit Risk Management Center) (Standards 3 and 11)
Relationships Domain
Conducting Demographic Assessments (Standard 5)
FSCI and Accreditation (Standard 5)
Guidelines for Survey Administration, Analysis, and Application (Standard 5)
Teaching and Learning Domain
Guidelines for Teaching Bible (Standard 7)
Resource for Curriculum Review (Standard 8)
Guidelines for Assessment Data Collection, Analysis, and Application (Standard 9)
The New Art and Science of Classroom Assessment Free webinar by Dr. Mike Ruyle, Marzano Research Associate (Marzano resources will be promoted) (Standard 9)
School-Based Professional Development (Standard 10)
Expertise Domain
Student Records Retention (Standard 11)
Policy Manual Guidelines (Standards 11 and 12)
Nondiscrimination for Hiring (Standard 12)
Succession Planning and Leadership Development (Standard 12)
Resources Domain
Safety Resources (provided by Church Mutual) (Standard 16)
Well-Being Domain
Armed Intruder Preparedness (provided by Church Mutual) (Standard 18)
FSCI and FFI Approval for Inspire
Flourishing School Culture Instrument (FSCI)
Download Video Reference Sheet
Download FSCI and Inspire Guide Chart
Pre-Visit Documents
Team Member Application Form (Online Form)
Values and Ethics Statement for Team Members (Online Form)
Visit Documents
Team Indicator Ratings Spreadsheet
Inspire Team Report Template
- SAMPLE Team Report
Post-Visit Documents
Accreditation Team Visit Evaluation Form (online version)
Guidelines for Substantive Change in an Accredited School
Substantive Change Notification Form
** If you are dually accredited, please check with your Divisional office first to see if you
need to complete a separate form!
ACSI is now recognized by the Department of Defense for the military fee assistance program. For information can be found here: Department of Defense.
Supporting Documents for EE
- EE Yearly Staff Profile (blank)(2023)
EE Yearly Staff Profile Instructions (2021) - EE Statement of Practice for Non-Licensed Programs (Updated Spring 2024)
- EE Staff Qualifications (Updated Spring 2024)
- EE Administrator Growth Plan (Updated Spring 2024)
- EE Educator Growth Plan (Updated Spring 2024)
- Annual PD Report for EE (Updated Spring 2024)
- Best Practices in Early Education
Schools that will use the Inspire EE Addendum in the fall of 2023 or Spring of 2024 can use the EE Self-Study Template Below:
You can also contact your Division's Accreditation Director for additional information or assistance.
Inspire Early Education Addendum (more documents are located in the tab above "EE Accreditation Documents")
Tips for Residential Team Chairs & Team Members
Tips for Residential Coordinators
SAMPLE Residential Philosophy Statements
Please note: Use of an ACSI alternate accreditation protocol, endorsement protocol, or addendum may require ACSI to add visiting team members with specialized training, knowledge, or experience that would need to travel from a greater distance than team members on a typical visiting team. Reasonable travel expenses would need to be accounted for accordingly and reimbursed by the school.
Annual Report for Schools* (For REACH & Inspire Schools 2024)
Certification Positions Requirement (Who DOES & DOES NOT need certification)
Certification Overview Webpage (this will direct you to the page with the application instructions, CPoE checklist, requirements charts, etc.)
Using the Certificant Search Report to inform your Annual Report
Request for Faculty Waiver (if applicable)
Substantive Change Notification Form (if applicable)
Guidelines for Substantive Change in Accredited Schools
Annual Report Documents for EE Standalone Schools
Annual Report Form (For REACH & Inspire Schools 2024)
EE Yearly Staff Profile Instructions
Inspire EE Administrator Growth Plan
Inspire EE Educator Growth Plan
REACH EE Director Professional Growth Plan ( Options for meeting REACH Indicator 4.4a)
REACH EE Teacher/Teacher Assistant Professional Growth Plan
Options for Meeting Indicators 4.5a and 4.5b)
REACH Documents:
ACSI Standards Manual (7/26/21)
ACSI Rubrics Manual (7/26/21)
REACH School Administrator Handbook (7/12/19)
Printable/Fillable REACH Standards Checklist (8/10/21)
Digital REACH Standards Checklist
Indicator Ratings Spreadsheet for EE-12 Schools(5/15/19)
Indicator Ratings Spreadsheet for K-12 Schools (5/15/19)
Indicator Ratings Spreadsheet for International Schools (5/15/19)
Indicator Ratings Spreadsheet for EE Standalone Schools (5/15/19)
ePlatform Documents:
Self-Study Report Template (to guide completion in Word prior to entering information on the ePlatform) (1/14/2022)
"Sample Christian School" Self-Study (12/2019)
Formatting a School Report (1/14/2022)
Quick Reference Guide to Self-Study on ePlatform (1/14/2022)