Joshua Project Banner
Great Commission Project

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” 

LUKE 10:2

Connecting Students Globally

ACSI advances Christ-centered, worldwide education by immersing high school students in cultural travel and ministry experiences at strategic ACSI global locations. 

The ACSI Great Commission Project provides schools with long-term mission partnerships where students connect with and serve alongside global/international school students, share the Gospel, and gain valuable cultural experiences.

Through this experience, students will have the opportunity to partner with an ACSI global/international school to collaboratively share the Gospel and serve their community with compassion and a biblical mindset. They will be provided with a global perspective of other cultures through shared classroom experiences and guided visits to local cultural sites. 

Our prayer at ACSI is that your students will develop a passion to serve others, share the Gospel, and be the ambassadors for Jesus Christ needed in this generation.
Cultural Experience
Joshua Expedition Photo 2
Joshua Expeditions Photo 3

“The transformation within the schools through Great Commission trips is profound.”

- Dr. Larry Taylor, ACSI President & CEO


ACSI Student Leadership & Learning:

My school wants to be a part of the Great Commission Project!




"This was one of the best trips I’ve ever been on!! I can definitely say it was life-changing." 
- Amy, Teacher
“The time I spent with the group, I could see great integration, educational and organized experiences, and the students definitely enjoyed it! 
- Karen, Regional Director, ACSI Caribe


"No words can describe the impact this trip has left on me! There is no joy like the joy that comes from allowing God to work through you. This week I learned that all God asks of us is to be willing."     - Student who served in the Dominican Republic