Advocacy Initiatives
Advocacy initiatives of ACSI encompass a broad range of efforts answering the question “Why Christian education matters?" Our focus in the Public Policy & Legal Affairs Department, is in teaching and defending the legal and cultural basis for parental choice, private school autonomy and religious liberty through school trainings and engagement with legislatures, regulators, and the courts.
Education policy is inherently local and building our collective voices on a state-by-state basis will impact local policy. Our goal is to continue adding new state networks of Christian schools so Christian school voices can be heard by policy makers.
ACSI is at the forefront of advocating a space for Christian Education. ACSI regularly submits formal communications to policymakers, elected officials and courts which address various concerns and legislation affecting religious education, nonprofits and religious freedom. We partner with like-minded organizations to increase our voice on important issues.
There are many ways in which YOU can make a difference in the US laws that affect Christian education.
Recommended resource: Alliance Defending Freedom
Other key topics to follow:Cultural Issues
School Choice