
Dr. Larry Taylor sits down with school leaders to discuss their calling, best practices, models, and qualities to create a dynamic school culture.
Explore strategies for building a thriving school culture through research and practical application.
Create enriching experiences beyond the classroom and explore ways to maximize the impact of educators and develop student leaders.
Examine how biblical worldview and spiritual formation should integrate in everyday Christian education.

Recent Episodes


Grafted Together Ep 11 | Walking Alongside Students Pursuing Christ, with Josh Leonard

Grafted Together Ep 11 | Walking Alongside Students Pursuing Christ, with Josh Leonard

November 25, 2024

Josh Leonard is the Dean of Spiritual Formation and Discipleship at North Raleigh Christian Academy. He and Jerry Nelson dialogue about training students, having spiritual conversations, and modeling faith to students.

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Student Leadership & Learning Ep 11 | Navigating Difficult Conversations

Student Leadership & Learning Ep 11 | Navigating Difficult Conversations

November 18, 2024

If we teach our students not what to think but how to think, we equip them with the skill to discern with wisdom. Emily Pigott provides more encouragement and advice on how to intentionally converse with students.

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The Flourishing Journey Ep 11 | Quality Hiring in Today's Culture

The Flourishing Journey Ep 11 | Quality Hiring in Today's Culture

November 11, 2024

Dr. Edward Bunn welcomes Mike Allen, Superintendent of Evansville Christian School, to discuss quality hiring in today's culture.

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Sharpening Kingdom Leaders Ep 11 | Dr. Ben Carson on education, family, and courage

Sharpening Kingdom Leaders Ep 11 | Dr. Ben Carson on education, family, and courage

November 4, 2024

Former Neurosurgeon and U.S. Presidential Candidate Dr. Ben Carson shares his story of how education changed his life, and his passion for building up families.

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Grafted Together Ep 10 | The Second Christian School Renaissance, with Dr. Roger C.S. Erdvig

Grafted Together Ep 10 | The Second Christian School Renaissance, with Dr. Roger C.S. Erdvig

October 28, 2024

Jerry Nelson discusses Christian school growth in its second renaissance, defining terms such as discipleship and spiritual formation, and more with Dr. Roger C.S. Erdvig, Director of the Center for Biblical Worldview at Summit Ministries.

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