
Dr. Larry Taylor sits down with school leaders to discuss their calling, best practices, models, and qualities to create a dynamic school culture.
Explore strategies for building a thriving school culture through research and practical application.
Create enriching experiences beyond the classroom and explore ways to maximize the impact of educators and develop student leaders.
Examine how biblical worldview and spiritual formation should integrate in everyday Christian education.

Recent Episodes


Sharpening Kingdom Leaders Ep 6 | Cultivating Student Ambassadors

Sharpening Kingdom Leaders Ep 6 | Cultivating Student Ambassadors

June 3, 2024

Debbie Schindler, Head of School at Pacific Christian Academy (WA), shares leadership principles and insights into how culture has changed in her nearly 50 years of experience in Christian education.

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Grafted Together Ep 5 | Spiritual Formation in a Virtual Environment

Grafted Together Ep 5 | Spiritual Formation in a Virtual Environment

May 27, 2024

Samantha Farinacci, Chaplain at Oaks Christian Online School, shares her insights on spiritual formation in a virtual environment

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Student Leadership & Learning Ep 5 | Why Isn't Jesus a Big Deal in My Christian School?

Student Leadership & Learning Ep 5 | Why Isn't Jesus a Big Deal in My Christian School?

May 20, 2024

Jerry Nelson, ACSI Chief Ministry Officer, joins the podcast to discuss how to make Jesus the foundation of Christian education.

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The Flourishing Journey Ep 5 | Tools & Resources for Spiritual Formation

The Flourishing Journey Ep 5 | Tools & Resources for Spiritual Formation

May 13, 2024

Dr. Edward Bunn sits down with Douglas Campbell, ACSI Ministry Team Senior Coordinator, to discuss tools and resources for the spiritual formation of students and families.

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Sharpening Kingdom Leaders Ep 5 | Christian School Leadership in Taiwan

Sharpening Kingdom Leaders Ep 5 | Christian School Leadership in Taiwan

May 6, 2024

Julie Heinsman, Superintendent at Morrison Academy in Taiwan, shares the challenges and successes of her Christian school leadership career.

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