Developing a Student Leadership Culture

October 16, 2023

By Emily Pigott, Director of Student Leadership & Learning 

What do you see when you view the world today? It’s a question that will cause one to pause and wonder a bit. As I ponder this, considering our students’ potential, I see hope. In our students, I see problem solvers, critical thinkers, and world changers. I also see creative imagination and culture transformers. Ultimately, I see leaders.  

With this question in the forefront and a mindset filled with determination, we must recognize the responsibility that lies before us as educators. In our rapidly changing world, it is not only crucial but transformative to create an environment that offers students the opportunity to develop their leadership skills while adhering to biblical principles. 

The days of solely focusing on academic pursuits are behind us. Instead, we must formulate a comprehensive strategy empowering students to recognize their leadership potential through a Christ-centered approach. By fostering a leadership culture rooted in biblical truths and aligned with Flourishing research, we can create a positive impact that extends far beyond the classroom. This equips students to become compassionate, ethical, and visionary leaders who lead by example, inspire others, and contribute to the betterment of their communities and the world.  

In the days ahead, ACSI Student Leadership & Learning will provide opportunities for educators to explore and develop strategies for cultivating a student leadership culture. We not only will offer educator training but also student servant leadership experiences that will help grow, stretch, and prepare students to counter the prevailing cultural norms while motivating others to follow suit.  

What do you see when you look at the world today? We see an incredible generation with the potential to lead intentionally and purposefully; our role is to guide them in understanding how to do so. Let’s accomplish this together!