Let's Journey Together

The Ways to Flourish

October 16, 2023

By Cindy Dodds, Vice President of Flourishing Initiatives 

"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." –Proverbs 27:1. We are at our best when we pray together, learn together, and generously share what we’ve learned. So, let’s travel down the flourishing journey together! Here are some ways to flourish. 

Understand Flourishing Vision 

The biblical concept of flourishing is the foundation for all ACSI school improvement activities and is connected to the Flourishing School Culture research. Biblical flourishing rests in the spiritual well-being of God’s people and is found as believers become deeply rooted in God’s Word (Jeremiah 17:8). Flourishing begins with you. 

Assess your School’s Culture 

The Flourishing School Culture Model is a research-based framework that will help you understand the key components of a flourishing school. As leaders and educators, it is important for us to make data-driven decisions. The Flourishing School Culture Instrument will help you see where your school culture stands, so you can begin to plan for cultural transformation tailored to your school’s specific needs. 

Commit to Cultural Transformation 

The Leadership for Flourishing Schools Report describes best practices in cultural change management. A commitment to transformation becomes evident when you employ the following practices. 

  • Set clear, mission-aligned expectations for all school stakeholders. 

  • Model these expectations intentionally and consistently. 

  • Engage the school community around the “big questions” inherent in the constructs of the research. 

  • Manage, and evaluate culture-level change toward flourishing that demonstrates accountability. 

Discover New Ways to Flourish 

The growth opportunities are inexhaustible and can help to inform ongoing efforts to shape and strengthen your school culture. Insights can help to spark dialogue and collaboration across multiple school audiences and assist you in discovering new ways to flourish. 

 "May the Lord cause you to flourish, both you and your children." –Psalm 115:14