
Accreditation & Certification

Association of Christian Schools International / ACSI / Accreditation & Certification

Accreditation with ACSI engages schools in a vigorous, holistic process of organizational appraisal and improvement that engages every school constituent. Our program is a highly regarded Christian program for member schools. We have partnerships with all of the U.S. regional accreditation agencies and offer joint accreditation with numerous accrediting organizations.

Every step in our accreditation process is designed to be useful for driving improvement in private schools. If you are striving for excellence based on a solid Christian philosophy of education, consider exploring our program.



The purpose of ACSI Certification is to strengthen Christian schools by credentialing educators who meet established professional and biblical requirements. ACSI Certification promotes continued professional learning and increased effectiveness. Establishing and maintaining the certification of staff and administration is an essential step toward professional credibility and growth. Education is a process. Just as we encourage our students to grow and become life–long learners, we want to set the same example as their teachers and leaders.

ACSI certification establishes a framework for professional growth to occur over time, just like continuous school improvement.

Point of View Livecast - Larry Taylor, Lauren McAfee

Sep 8, 2023, 08:28 AM by Amy Ward
ACSI President Dr. Larry Taylor joined host Kerby Anderson on Point of View Radio Talk Show sharing about the unique strengths of Christian education, how Christian schools have truly shone post pandemic, and the emphasis we at ACSI place on integrating a biblical worldview. 

Point of View Livecast - Wednesday, September 6, 2023 - Larry Taylor, Lauren McAfee from Point of View Ministries on Vimeo.