Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI)
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What Do You Love About Christian Education?

We asked ACSI Exemplary Accredited school leaders what they love most about Christian education. Here's what they shared.

Explore Opportunities at the ACSI Career Center

Our Career Center stands out because it is exclusively for Christian educators, ensuring that all candidates align with the school's values and mission. This means the hiring process is more efficient, as they don’t have to sift through resumes from candidates who may not share their faith or educational philosophy. They can trust that every applicant has a strong commitment to Christian education, saving time and helping them find the right fit for their school’s unique community.

ACSI Early Education Welcomes Beth Lantz, Celebrates a Thriving Year of Professional Development

The ACSI Early Education (EE) team is excited to welcome Beth Lantz as their newest team member. A seasoned Christian early education leader with nearly 18 years of experience, Beth brings a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to her role. She has served as an adjunct instructor at Iowa State University and possesses expertise in nonprofit administration and early childhood development.

Northlake Christian School: A Decade of Pro-Life Advocacy and Impact

Northlake Christian School has had an active student-led, faculty-sponsored pro-life club on our campus for more than a decade. This club's regular activities include: student volunteering at the local crisis pregnancy center; participating in annual prayer marches that are hosted in the local community; writing encouraging notes and providing blessing boxes to the nurses in the NICU department of our local hospitals; attending the annual March for Life rally in Washington, D.C.;

A Flourishing Staff Retreat

For Dayspring Christian Academy (DCA), scheduling an annual staff retreat is nothing new. Weston Kurz, Executive Director of the school based in Greeley, Colorado, remembers hosting a retreat for the past 10 years at least. But in the last two years, the retreat has taken on a new flavor. As an early adopter of ACSI’s Flourishing School Culture Model (FSCM), Kurz helped restructure the retreat to integrate research from the FSCM. Using each of the model’s five domains (purpose, well-being, expertise and resources, relationships, and teaching and learning), the school’s strategic planning sessions now revolve around robust research and best practices.

 Featured Event

  Featured Event


Flourish Deeper

  • Rethinking Worldview & Student Leadership Development
    02/6/25 | Columbus, OH
  • Healthy Governance & Sustainable Funding
    03/6/25 | Pittsburgh, PA
  • Engaging Students Who Think & Learn Differently
    03/20/25 | Sacramento, CA

Flourish Deeper is a one day focused, learning experience around a relevant construct from the Flourishing School Culture Research. It is a deep learning opportunity with a unique blend of expert-led sessions and interactive discussions designed to inform a school’s planning, practice, and purpose.

Register Now

Flourish Deeper
  Blog and Podcast



ACSI Tuition and Salary Survey (TSS) 2024-2025 Report: Navigating The Complex Landscape Of Salary and Tuition in U.S. Christian Schools

For those who have worked in the dynamic world of Christian education, especially for those who have been entrusted in leadership positions, I believe it is a fair assessment to say that striking the delicate balance between retaining high-qualified teachers while ensuring the school's healthy financial stability has always been one of the most challenging aspects of running a Christian school.

When Least Expected: Those “Oh No Moments!”

You’re sitting at your desk just before a major school event when a parent stops by and says,” Do you have a minute?” A minute turns into 45 as she reveals troubling information that is bothersome. Or imagine your school year is off to an amazing start when all of a sudden, you receive a phone call from a parent who informs you that one of your students has posted a threat on social media. How about when an accusation against a member of your staff is presented to you? Now what?

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The Lasting Influence of Christian Private Schools

A common question asked by those involved in Christian school education is, “Will anything I teach influence the adult years of my students?” As a former minister to children and a professor in Christian education, I ask this question myself as I seek to train and equip future ministers and teachers. Pondering the connection between childhood experiences and adult religiosity led me to study the experiences in childhood that influence Christian commitment in young adulthood. During the fall of 2018, I conducted in-depth interviews with a group of ethnically diverse, young adults living in Southern California. This blog post shares three major themes that emerged from these stories which have significant implications for Christian school educators.

The Potential of MLK Day (and Week)

Born in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15, 1929, and tragically killed in Memphis, Tennessee on April 4, 1968–Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is, arguably, the most famous non-presidential American in our nation’s nearly 250-year history. But how and why did his name become the name of so many American streets, the object of so many American statues, and the namesake of an annual American holiday?



The Flourishing Journey Ep 14: The Faithful Journey of Teaching Christianly
The Flourishing Journey Ep 14: The Faithful Journey of Teaching Christianly

Dr. Edward Bunn and Dr. Dave Mulder, Professor of Education at Dordt University, discuss how to teach Christianly as a faithful disciple of Christ.

Sharpening Kingdom Leaders Ep 14: A lifestyle of giving in Nigeria, with Naomi Famonure
Sharpening Kingdom Leaders Ep 14: A lifestyle of giving in Nigeria, with Naomi Famonure

Naomi Famonure, a Christian educator from Nigeria, shares her journey from Catholic upbringing to founding a school for missionary children and caring for orphans and widows.

Grafted Together Ep 13 | Church-School Partnership and Christian School Expansion
Grafted Together Ep 13 | Church-School Partnership and Christian School Expansion

Jerry Nelson welcomes Joe Wilson, Head of Lower Schools at Calvary Christian Academy in Florida, for a conversation about the integration of churches and Christian schools.

Student Leadership & Learning Ep 13: Changing Student Consumption to Connection
Student Leadership & Learning Ep 13: Changing Student Consumption to Connection

Enhance student engagement by shifting from a consumer-based approach to a connection-oriented approach, and connect with students beyond just imparting knowledge.

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Larry Taylors Picture

President's Office

“I can think of no greater cause than to partner with you to advance Christ-centered education.” Dr. Larry Taylor, ACSI President & CEO

Dr. Taylor has been serving in education for over 30 years. He is passionate about training up this generation of disciples for Jesus Christ through Christian education.

Prior to accepting the President position at ACSI, Dr. Larry Taylor served twenty years as the Head of School at Prestonwood Christian Academy (PCA) in Plano, Texas. Prestonwood Christian Academy serves more than 1,600 students enrolled at four campuses as part of its school system. 

Click the link below to read more.


Visit the President's Page

ACSI's Mission

ACSI exists to strengthen Christian schools and equip Christian educators worldwide as they prepare students academically and inspire them to become devoted followers of Jesus Christ.



ACSI's Foundational 3 Pillars



Leading Christ-centered education toward excellence and flourishing

We want all schools to aspire to, achieve, and remain committed to a biblically-based philosophy of education, standards that are measurable, and flourishing-related criteria. ACSI strives to lead, support, and serve Christian schools, and educators, by placing them on a path of growth and flourishing using the research-based Flourishing Schools Initiative. This model should link leadership and faculty professional development accreditation, and every culture-driving component of a school. A common philosophy, and a flourishing-based metric, would unify our efforts of advancing Christian schools and educators.




Making Christ-centered education available and obtainable

ACSI is committed to making Kingdom education available to as many children and families as desire it, believing that such an education offers students an opportunity to grow in a loving relationship with their Creator, come to know His saving work through Jesus, and flourish in His Ephesians 2:10 calling for their lives. This commitment requires removing barriers to access for those who traditionally have not benefited from Christian school, as well as seeking out new ways to create access points to Kingdom education and the ability to thrive and be successful in that education—for all those who desire it.




Promoting and protecting Christ-centered education for today and tomorrow

As the largest evangelical Christian school association in the world, ACSI is by default viewed as the spokesperson for Christian schooling in the public square. In order to discharge this responsibility with excellence and seasoned speech (Colossians 4:6), and to equip our member schools to do the same, ACSI must invest in developing public-facing resources and forming strategic relationships with those working in the area of advocacy for Christian Education and for religious liberty.


Stay Connected to ACSI

Community Network

ACSI Community Network Image


The ACSI Community online forum exists to provide connection, collaboration, and networking with Christ-centered education advocates, educators, and influencers in a protected online environment.   

 ACSI Community offers Christian educators opportunities to Connect, Collaborate, Compel, Captivate, and Comprehend. Join thousands of like-minded education professionals around to globe to grow in knowledge, sharpen skills, and deepen your faith, in a safe, authentic virtual environment.

Check it Out

Career Center


ACSI provide helpful tools for you to find the next position God has for you through a resume review search and career planning portal. You can also discover ACSI positions.

Thinking about serving internationally? PFO2Go will provide the confidence to enter a new culture in which to both work and live outside the United States. Also, don’t miss the International Schools Job Fair.

Go to the ACSI Career Center  

News & Press Releases

ACSI Hosts First-Ever National Math Olympics with 11,000 Students

May 13, 2024, 09:01 by Brittany Steward

ACSI's Student Leadership and Learning Department hosted the first-ever ACSI National Math Olympics Competition from April 30-May 2. The competition took place in an online testing environment with nearly 11,000 students competing to earn a spot in the national competition. A total of 434 students from 31 states and Taiwan participated in the national competition. 

The competition was organized into two categories: Reasoning and Computation. 

For the reasoning competition, winners for each grade level included: 3rd grade- Abigail Chu from Eastside Christian, WA; 4th grade- Lucas Forrey from Tri-City Christian, CA; 5th grade- William Li from Los Altos Christian, CA; 6th grade- JJ Liang from Providence Christian, GA; 7th grade- Clark Hartman from Grace Christian, OH; 8th grade- Jaden Huang from Veritas Chrisitan, MA, Zhiqian Wang from Prestonwood Christian-Plano, TX. 

For the computation competition, winners for each grade level included: 3rd grade-Donovan Chen from Olive Branch Christian, CA, Leona Jiao from Valley Christian Elementary, CA, Olivia Zamora from Round Rock Christian, TX; 4th grade- Madalyn Tan from Eastside Christian, WA; 5th grade- Gabriela Valencia from Weston Christian, FL; 6th grade- Tanya Chiang from Trinity Christian, TX; 7th grade- Caleb Cho from New Covenant, CA; 8th grade- Calista Tjandra from California Crosspoint, CA. 

Emily Pigott, ACSI’s Director of Student Leadership and Learning, shared about this new program and her hopes for the following year. 

“The National Math Olympics competition is a testament to the dedication of our young mathematicians and those that educate them,” she said. “Students from across the country, as well as one international school, showcased their mathematical abilities through problem-solving and critical thinking. We celebrate the culmination of their hard work and perseverance. We look forward to expanding this competition for the 2024-25 school year as we implement our International Math Competition and engage schools globally.” 

There are many new and innovative programs in the upcoming 2024-2025 school year that will continue ACSI’s commitment to fostering student leadership, engagement, and cultural impact. These include experiential leadership conferences and immersive learning experiences that are crafted to empower students to utilize their God-given abilities in impacting their culture for Christ. 

Pigott shared what she is passionate about regarding new programs this upcoming school year. 

“The focus on servant leadership and the integration of biblical worldview development into every component of our programs will equip students to discover and hone their God-given talents and increase their cultural influence for Jesus,” she said. “There is nothing more exciting than watching students understand their capacity and worth in Jesus and use their influence to make Him known. This is why we do what we do…creating experiences to develop servant leaders that exemplify Matthew 20:26-28.” 

Learn more about Student Leadership and Learning opportunities at

Strategic Partners

ACSI proudly presents the Strategic Partnership Program, which includes companies, organizations, and ministries who have been carefully chosen to benefit you—our member schools—and to assist you in accomplishing your life-changing mission.

View Strategic Partners



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