Biblical Unity

Around the world, there is a struggle to understand unity in the midst of diversity and how to engage the challenge from a biblical worldview. With the LOVE & TRUTH of the Bible as our foundation, ACSI’s taskforce on Biblical Unity, Diversity, and Social Engagement recommended five core principles to outline what Scripture says about these issues and explore the best means for achieving BIBLICAL UNITY for the glory of God. As AMBASSADORS of Christ continue to call our broken world to reconciliation with God and prioritize DISCIPLESHIP, our COMMUNITY will foreshadow the permanent establishment of His Kingdom, which is characterized by justice and love (shalom) and enjoyed by diverse peoples redeemed from every tongue, tribe, and nation (Isaiah 61, Luke 4). ​

"How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity!" Psalm 133:1

Biblical Unity Webinar Series

Invitation to Biblical Unity

Jerry's invitation to engage in Biblical Unity:



Watch Dr. Larry Taylor's message about the heart of Biblical Unity, then read his letter to you here.


Webinar 1: Biblical Unity
Webinar 2: Biblical Diversity
Webinar 3: Biblical Social Engagement