
Accreditation & Certification

Association of Christian Schools International / ACSI / Accreditation & Certification

Accreditation with ACSI engages schools in a vigorous, holistic process of organizational appraisal and improvement that engages every school constituent. Our program is a highly regarded Christian program for member schools. We have partnerships with all of the U.S. regional accreditation agencies and offer joint accreditation with numerous accrediting organizations.

Every step in our accreditation process is designed to be useful for driving improvement in private schools. If you are striving for excellence based on a solid Christian philosophy of education, consider exploring our program.



The purpose of ACSI Certification is to strengthen Christian schools by credentialing educators who meet established professional and biblical requirements. ACSI Certification promotes continued professional learning and increased effectiveness. Establishing and maintaining the certification of staff and administration is an essential step toward professional credibility and growth. Education is a process. Just as we encourage our students to grow and become life–long learners, we want to set the same example as their teachers and leaders.

ACSI certification establishes a framework for professional growth to occur over time, just like continuous school improvement.

  • ACSI Appoints New VP for Public Policy, General Counsel August 18, 2020
    ACSI is pleased to announce the appointment of Stephen Novotny as its new Vice President for Public Policy and General Counsel. Combining his unique background in both the legal profession and Christian school administration, Novotny will focus on protecting and promoting the interests of ACSI and its member schools.
  • ACSIFollow-UpCOVID-19SurveyReport-1 ACSI releases findings from nationwide survey of Christian schools’ reopening plans and outlook for the fall August 12, 2020
    The Association of Christian Schools International is pleased to announce the release of data from its second nationwide survey of Christian schools’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, with a specific focus on reopening plans and the financial outlook for fall 2020. Nearly 550 Christian schools representing diverse geographic locations and school sizes responded to the survey, which was conducted in late July.